Disaster Recovery Plan Committee
UMPSA Disaster Recovery Plan Committee is responsible to act as coordinator, secretariat and rapporteur on UMPSA’s recovery plan. A team was formed to manage the technical aspects of the plan.
The Recovery Team was established as preparation for critical disasters involving ICT applications and devices as well as implementing the UMPSA PB-ICT Plan.
The UMPSA PB-ICT Plan has established a comprehensive set of procedures to recover critical application systems which have been determined through the Critical Function Services Impact Assessment in the event of interruption or disasters.

The objectives of this plan include:
i. To ensure the recovery of the recovery process
ii. To set activities, sources and recovery procedures’ requirements on Critical Application Systems during interruption or disasters
iii. To explain the roles and responsibilities of the UMPSA Disaster Recovery Team
The scope of the UMPSA PB-ICT Plan is as follows:
i. This plan is developed for application systems that have been identified by UMPSA which are given critical level status with Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
ii. An alternative site for Critical Application System recovery is in KPU Data Centre at UMPSA Gambang Campus
iii. The alternative site recovery strategy is through warmsite
iv. External data is stored in an alternative site at KPU Building, UMPSA Gambang Campus